Tool Download


Disk Defrag - maximize hard disk performance!

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 7.1.5

Tool Type: Freeware

Tool Cost In: 0.00 US$

Tool Target Platform: Windows

Tool OS Support: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64

Limitations: no limitations

Tool Info URL: Click to view

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Short Description:
Disk Defrag will speed up your computer by optimizing file system. It can defragment files, consolidate free space and move system files to the faster part of the disk. With Disk Defrag you'll get the maximum out of your hard drive performance.

Long Description 1:
Disk Defrag will speed up your computer by optimizing file system. It can defragment files, consolidate free space and move system files to the faster part of the disk. With Disk Defrag you'll get the maximum out of your hard drive performance. It is supplied with a powerful engine and smart algorithms which allow Disk Defrag to run much faster than similar tools. And with its comprehensive reports you will always be aware of what have been done.

Long Description 2:
Disk Defrag will speed up your computer by optimizing file system. It can defragment files, consolidate free space and move system files to the faster part of the disk. With Disk Defrag you'll get the maximum out of your hard drive performance. It is supplied with a powerful engine and smart algorithms which allow Disk Defrag to run much faster than similar tools. And with its comprehensive reports you will always be aware of what have been done. Disk Defrag features: - fast and safe defragmentation of the disk drives - optimization of clusters' structure and file system for even better disk performance - useful disk fragmentation map that displays defragmentation process in real time - simple and intuitive user interface - comprehensive defragmentation report - extremely low system resources usage Running Auslogics Disk Defrag at least once a weak assures your hard disks are optimized for maximum performance.