Short Description: Find potentially sensitive data. Search an entire instance or a particular table. Includes 45 pre-configured sensitive data search strings. Export results to CSV format for easy analysis and reporting.
Long Description 1: Find potentially sensitive data. Search an entire instance or a particular table. Includes 45 pre-configured sensitive data search strings. Export results to CSV format for easy analysis and reporting.
Long Description 2: Run and protect SQL database integrity check: Initiate Checks - quickly run a CHECKDB for any database on-demand. Identify Corruption - view integrity check results to identify corruption. Verify the last check to routinely verifies when the last check was performed. Automatic Notification - receive alerts when databases are due for checks. Save time no need to write and maintain scripts.
Verify last integrity check: Register databases and SQL Integrity Check will verify, on a regular basis, when the last known successful integrity check was performed. This verification helps identify any possible corruption early on so that you can take action quickly instead of finding out a fix is needed after the corruption has grown even larger in scope.
Initiate integrity checks: Run a CHECKDB integrity check anytime on-demand for any SQL Server. No need to write any Transact-SQL (T-SQL) script, just open the tool and select the SQL Server.
Identify database corruption: After an integrity check is complete, SQL Integrity Check will present the errors and corruption areas discovered in a very easy-to-understand report along with the recommended repair level. You can then determine what remedial actions are needed to fix the errors.
Automatic notification: Set frequency levels for how often you would like to perform integrity checks. Also, receive notification automatically via the system tray when those dates have been exceeded. This notification ensures that you are regularly checking the integrity of your SQL Server databases.
Save time: There is no need to write or maintain any Transact-SQL (T-SQL) scripts to run integrity checks. SQL Integrity Check will run checks for you on any of the SQL Servers you have registered to track.