Short Description: Query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, and more.
Long Description 1: Query Tool (using ODBC) is a Universal Data Access (UDA) tool. It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, return query results to a grid or free-form text, retrieve ODBC driver information, and more. Requirements: Windows XP (SP2) or later; Related Products: Query Tool (using ADO) x86 and x64 and Query Tool (using ODBC) x64.
Long Description 2: Query Tool (using ODBC) is a Universal Data Access (UDA) tool. It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, return query results to a grid or free-form text, export results in Excel and HTML formats, retrieve ODBC driver information, and more. Supported Operating Systems: Windows 8/Server 2012/7/Server 2008 R2/Server 2008/Vista/Server 2003/XP with SP2 or later; Free upgrade to Query Tool (using ODBC) 7.0 x64 Edition; Related Products: Query Tool (using ADO) x86 and x64 Editions and Query Tool (using ODBC) x64 Edition.