Short Description: JSON to Access - import JSON to Access. Main features: 1. Wizard. 2. Saving/loading session. 3. Support command line. 4. Can execute automatically at specific time.
Long Description 1: JSON to Access - import JSON to Access. Main features: 1. Wizard. 2. Saving/loading session. 3. Support command line. 4. Can execute automatically at specific time.
Long Description 2: JsonToAccess - Import JSON to Access easy and quickly. JsonToAccess is a data conversion tool that helps database user to import JSON data to Access. JsonToAccess will save your time on importing JSON data to Access database.
Main features:
1. Automatic match tables and fields.
2. Import and see result, immediately.
3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
4. Wizard - step by step, or Direct import - efficient.