Short Description: Many a time, we would remember a couple of words in our email archives but not the subjects.. and we would fumble around with multiple archives each taking so much time to open and then sift through the subjects...
Long Description 1: Many a time, we would remember a couple of words in our email archives but not the subjects.. and we would fumble around with multiple archives each taking so much time to open and then sift through the subjects... Notes Mail Query is written in java and can run in Mac, Linux and Windows helping you to index your email archives and help you find data from all the text fields in the emails.
Long Description 2: Many a time, we would remember a couple of words in our email archives but not the subjects.. and we would fumble around with multiple archives each taking so much time to open and then sift through the subjects...
Notes Mail Query is written in java and can run in Mac, Linux and Windows helping you to index your email archives and help you find data from all the text fields in the emails.
Double clicking on the results opens the mail in our native email client (Notes). Its is a basic requirement that we have notes installed before using this application.
Feel free to drop in comments and brickbats. More features coming up. The current release for windows is an alpha release and expect some bugs to crop out... Thank you !!