Short Description: InboxRULES for Outlook (InboxRULES CE) can help you to save and print messages, extract data from messages immediately when message arrives to MS Outlook account or MS Exchange Server mailbox. InboxRULES CE is an add-in for MS Outlook.
Long Description 1: InboxRULES for Outlook (InboxRULES CE) can help you to save and print messages, extract data from messages immediately when message arrives to MS Exchange Server mailbox or MS Outlook. Modular system consists from client side engine for MS Outlook, actions and restrictions. Apart of our actions and restrictions it's possible to create custom ones. We also offer client side engine for MS Outlook Rules and server side engine for MS Exchange Server.
Long Description 2: InboxRULES for Outlook (InboxRULES CE) is an add-in for MS Outlook for processing incoming and outgoing messages. They are processed when they arrive to MS Outlook or they are sent from it. InboxRULES for Outlook is a client side engine which requires MS Outlook to run to process messages.
InboxRULES can help you to save and print messages, extract data from messages immediately when message arrives to MS Exchange Server mailbox or MS Outlook account.
Modular system of InboxRULES consists from client side engine for MS Outlook (InboxRULES CE), MS Outlook Rules (InboxRULES RW) or server side engine for MS Exchange Server (InboxRULES SE), actions and restrictions. Apart of standard actions and restrictions provided by us, it's possible to develop custom ones by using program API.