Short Description: This free virus removal tool will detect and remove W32/VBS Trojan and its variants from your computer.
Long Description 1: cleanvb.exe will detect and remove W32/VBS Trojan completely, from your system.
Long Description 2: W32/VBS Free Virus Removal Tool will detect and remove W32/VBS Trojan completely, from your system. Download cleanvb.exe and save it in a temporary directory. Double click on cleanvb.exe to execute it. Follow the user-friendly instructions to detect and remove the W32/VBS Trojan from your computer.This virus removal tool will detect and remove W32/VBS Trojan and its variants from your computer. It is a Windows based free virus removal tool designed by Proland Software Pvt Ltd.
Protector Plus Distribution Agreement. This is a Legal Agreement between you, the distributor, and Proland Software. Through this Distribution Agreement, Proland Software grants you permission to distribute the antivirus software hereinafter referred to as Protector Plus. You can distribute Protector Plus to computer users using any method without modifying the executable and the documentation files supplied to you.