Short Description: This free virus removal tool will detect and remove W32/Badur Trojan and its variants from your computer.
Long Description 1: cleanbadur.exe will detect and remove W32/Badur Trojan completely, from your system.
Long Description 2: W32/Badur Free Trojan Removal Tool will detect and remove W32/Badur Trojan completely, from your system. Download cleanbadur.exe and save it in a temporary directory. Double click on cleanbadur.exe to execute it. Follow the user-friendly instructions to detect and remove the W32/Badur Trojan from your computer.This virus removal tool will detect and remove W32/Badur Trojan and its variants from your computer. It is a Windows based free virus removal tool designed by Proland Software Pvt Ltd. You can also download the trial version of Protector Plus antivirus software by clicking on Download Antivirus button.