Short Description: This free virus removal tool will detect and remove W32/Small Trojan and its variants from your computer.
Long Description 1: cleansmall.exe will detect and remove W32/Small Trojan completely, from your system.
Long Description 2: W32/Small Free Trojan Removal Tool will detect and remove W32/Small Trojan completely, from your system. Download cleansmall.exe and save it in a temporary directory. Double click on cleansmall.exe to execute it. Follow the user-friendly instructions to detect and remove the W32/Small Trojan from your computer.This virus removal tool will detect and remove W32/Small Trojan and its variants from your computer. It is a Windows based free virus removal tool designed by Proland Software Pvt Ltd. Trial version of Protector Plus antivirus software can be downloaded by clicking on Download Antivirus button on this scanner.