Short Description: The Portfolio Performance Monitoring template enables the ongoing monitoring and periodic valuation for portfolios of financial investments. Amount and timing of investment and divestment transactions are accounted for in performance calculations.
Long Description 1: The Portfolio Performance Monitoring template enables the ongoing monitoring and periodic valuation of a portfolio of financial investments. The model allows the entering of investment transactions during a reporting period to calculate performance. Furthermore, incremental investment transactions undertaken during a period are fully accounted for in the period's performance calculations.
Long Description 2: The Portfolio Performance Monitoring template enables the ongoing monitoring and periodic valuation of a portfolio of financial investments. The model enables the entering of investment transactions during a reporting period to calculate performance. Incremental investment transactions including withdraw, reinvestment and distributions undertaken during a period are accounted for in performance calculations under the time weighted return method for the reporting period. The investment portfolio can be rolled over whereby transactions are archived and values reset to be ready for a new reporting period. Snapshots of portfolio values by asset category can be made at any time to track the portfolio performance over time. The Portfolio Performance Monitoring template is designed for ease and flexibility of product and transaction input with embedded help prompts. The portfolio tracking accurately handles of distributions, investments and divestments to calculate returns. The Portfolio Performance Monitoring template is compatible with Excel 97-2013 for Windows and Excel 2011 or 2004 for Mac as a cross platform portfolio tracking and valuation solution.