Short Description: Links on a web page very quickly become broken (link rot) because we move, delete or change our own pages, and other people that we link to do the same. Using a link checker regularly will improve your website's user experience (UX) and SEO.
Long Description 1: Links on a web page very quickly become broken (link rot) because we move, delete or change our own pages, and other people that we link to do the same. Using a link checker regularly will improve your website's user experience (UX) and search engine optimisation (SEO). Integrity is the free link checker for Mac. It's OSX native, very fast and accurate.
Long Description 2: The free website link checker for Mac
Link Checking
Links on a web page very quickly become broken (link rot) because we move, delete or change our own pages, and other people that we link to do the same. Using a link checker regularly will improve your website's user experience (UX) and search engine optimisation (SEO).
Integrity is the free link checker for Mac. It's OSX native, very fast and accurate.