Tool Download


Captcha Breaker

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 3.73

Tool Type: Shareware

Tool Cost In: 147 US$

Tool Target Platform: Windows

Tool OS Support: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64

Limitations: The only limitation is that you will need to restart the program after 100 captchas solved

Tool Info URL: Click to view

Video 1: Link for download

Video 2: Link for download

Download 1: Click to download

Download 2: Click to download

Short Description:
Captcha Breaker is an automated software to solve captchas. This revolutionary software works together with any third party web promotion software to effortlessly analyse and solve captchas for you. No need to type in captchas manually again.

Long Description 1:
Captcha Breaker is an automated software to solve captchas. This revolutionary software works together with any third party web promotion software to effortlessly analyse and solve captchas for you. No need to type in captchas manually or pay captcha services to solve them ever again. Supports more than 600 pre-configured captcha types to solve and you can also add your own captcha solving algorithms. One-time purchase and free life-time updates.

Long Description 2:
Captcha Breaker is an automated software to solve captchas. This revolutionary software works together with any third party web promotion software to effortlessly analyse and solve captchas for you. No need to type in captchas manually or pay captcha services to solve them ever again. The program is an excellent alternative to the popular online services that had the monopoly over decrypting captchas. Supports more than 600 pre-configured captcha types to solve and you can also add your own captcha solving algorithms using the most advanced and easy to use SDK (Software Development Kit). Just start Captcha Breaker and on your web promotion program select either decaptcher, death-by-captcha or any of the other supported captcha services as your captcha solver. That's it, you are now ready to start your submissions and solve captchas on autopilot. Captcha Breaker's captcha solvers algorithms are so advanced that depending on the level of difficulty of the captchas you routenily need to solve, it is likely that the software will automatically solve all your captchas on the spot. The program employs multiple OCR (Optical Character Recognition) techniques plus its own self-made algorithms to solve captchas in a way that most popular captcha types have a 100% success rate. But the software does not stop there. It still gives you the option to send any unsolved captchas to an alternate captcha solver service of your choosing for a fully satisfying captcha solving experience. The software also allows you to easily add your own captcha solving algorithms and share or import new captcha types online with other users of Captcha Breaker. Captcha Breaker is the fastest and most accurate captcha solver program. One-time purchase with no subscriptions and automated free life-time updates.