Short Description: PixelHealer can help you try to fix dead pixels by yourself, before running back to the store! Use it to fix dead, stuck or hot pixels on LCD or TFT screens, on desktop monitors, laptops or tablets. Simply download and run it without installation.
Long Description 1: PixelHealer can help you try to fix dead pixels by yourself, before running back to the store! You can use it to fix dead, stuck or hot pixels on LCD or TFT screens, on desktop monitors, laptops or tablets. Simply download and run PixelHealer without installation, cover the dead pixel with the colored repair window, and click Start Flashing. Let the repair window run for a while, then check to see if the dead pixel has been fixed or revived.
Long Description 2: PixelHealer can help you try to fix dead pixels by yourself, before running back to the store! You can use it to fix dead, stuck or hot pixels on LCD or TFT screens, on desktop monitors, laptops or tablets.
First of all, use our own free InjuredPixels portable app to check your screen or tablet for dead, stuck or hot pixels. Then, download and run PixelHealer without installation, cover the dead pixel with the colored repair window, and click Start Flashing. PixelHealer uses the already tested concept that flashing RGB colors over a dead or stuck pixel will revive it. So let the repair window run for a while, then check to see if the dead pixel has been fixed or revived. And repeat the process if necessary.
PixelHealer has an intuitive interface and it is very easy to use. Use the mouse or your finger to move or resize the repair window. Open the intuitive Settings window to change the flashing colors, the flashing interval, or to automatically close the app after a certain period of time.
PixelHealer requires no installation: simply download and run.