Short Description: Nix Manager is a Windows application that enables you to register your Linux/Unix servers, fetch hardware specifications via SSH/Telnet protocol, make a note of servers, execute a command to multiple servers.
Long Description 1: Nix Manager is a Windows application that enables you to register your Linux/Unix servers, fetch hardware specifications via SSH/Telnet protocol, make a note of servers, execute a command to multiple servers.
Long Description 2: Nix Manager is a Windows application that enables you to register your Linux/Unix servers, fetch hardware specifications via SSH/Telnet protocol, make a note of servers, execute a command to multiple servers. You may register your servers with their IP address, SSH/Telnet account. Nix Manager will fetch the System Information, identify the OS type. You can add additional info to 'Classification' field and can write a server's history to 'Note'. Nix manger offers a 'Find' that searches all data so that you can find a server quickly. If you register a server with a valid SSH/Telnet account, Nix Manager fetches system information including CPU, Memory, Disk, Network data. You can quickly check server's availability by 'Ping', and execute a Linux/Unix command to multiple servers.