Short Description: zebNet Office Keyfinder retrieves your Microsoft Office Product Key from your currently installed Microsoft Office edition.
Long Description 1: zebNet Office Keyfinder retrieves your Microsoft Office Product Key from your currently installed Microsoft Office edition. It can retrieve the product key from both full Microsoft Office Suites as well as from stand-alone Office applications like Outlook etc.
Long Description 2: zebNet Office Keyfinder retrieves your Microsoft Office Product Key from your currently installed Microsoft Office edition.
It can retrieve the product key from both full Microsoft Office Suites as well as from stand-alone Office applications like Outlook etc.
If needed, you can save your Office Product Key in a text file by clicking the Save button.
zebNet Office Keyfinder supports Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Office 2010 as well as Microsoft Office 2013.
zebNet Office Keyfinder is freeware and can freely be used.