Short Description: Minesweeper on 3D surface. New tilings bring new challenges. Lots of boards. Rotate boards in 3D to get at tiles! Online world records. Submit new records from the program. Latest records downloaded automatically. Built-in auto-solver.
Long Description 1: Minesweeper on 3D surface, with high-quality graphics and special effects when you win or lose. New tilings (not just squares!) bring new challenges. Lots of boards. Rotate boards in 3D to get at tiles! World record times kept online. Submit new records from the program. Latest records downloaded automatically. You'll even be told when someone beats one of your world records! Built-in auto-solver. More addictive than the original!
Long Description 2: Minesweeper on a 3D surface (polyhedron), with high-quality graphics and special effects when you win or lose, online world records, and a built-in auto-solver. Designed to be very comfortable for fans of the original Minesweeper!
New tilings (not just squares!) bring new challenges, and there are lots of boards to choose from. Rotate the boards in 3D to get at all the tiles!
Personal best and world record times are stored for each board. Submit new world records from within the program (uses an encrypted format to prevent cheaters). The latest world records are downloaded automatically when you start the game (if an internet connection is present). You'll even be told when someone else beats one of your world records, so you can get your revenge! Game-stats like number of clicks and 3BV are also stored with each record time.
To get you started, not only is the first click guaranteed to be safe, but the surrounding tiles will also be free of mines. That should ensure you get a useful open area to begin with.
There's even a built-in auto-solver, so you can watch the computer play all by itself. It can always find a safe move if one exists, or it figures out exact probabilities of each tile containing a mine otherwise. You can also ask for a hint if you get stuck, which also helps you learn to play the game like a champ!
Cheesy home-made sound effects complete the package :-)
Even more addictive than the original!