Short Description: Move letters to the other side of the board by forming words crossword-fashion. 9 word lists. Save, load, print games. No opponent, human opponent, computer opponent. 2 game modes. Suggestions and search functions. Many options.
Long Description 1: You attempt to move all of the letters from your side of the board by using them to form words crossword-fashion on the other side. 9 word lists, including Middle English, Shakespeare, General, American, British and Contractions. Save, load and print games. No opponent, human opponent, computer opponent. 2 game modes. Suggestions and search functions. The tiles come in 4 sizes, 3 styles and 10 colors. Many options.
Long Description 2: You attempt to move all of the letters from your side of the board by using them to form words crossword-fashion on the other side. 9 word lists, including Middle English, Shakespeare, General, American, British and Contractions. Save, load and print games. No opponent, human opponent, computer opponent. 2 game modes. Suggestions and search functions. The tiles come in 4 sizes, 3 styles and 10 colors. Many options.