Short Description: Swahili - English Dictionary (Kamusi ya Kiswahili - Kiingereza) for PCs. Over 16,000 entries and phrases, over 36,000 translation equivalents, and over 20,000 words and phrases in the English index. Includes MS Word Integration functionality.
Long Description 1: Swahili - English Dictionary (Kamusi ya Kiswahili - Kiingereza) for PCs. Over 16,000 entries and phrases, over 36,000 translation equivalents, and over 20,000 words and phrases in the English index. Includes MS Word Integration functionality, fast startup and search, a user interface IN both English and Swahili, 'smart search' for Swahili compounds, smart cross-reference display, and bilingual 'linked view'.
Long Description 2: Swahili - English Dictionary (Kamusi ya Kiswahili - Kiingereza) for PCs. Over 16,000 entries and phrases, over 36,000 translation equivalents, and over 20,000 words and phrases in the English index. Includes MS Word Integration functionality, fast startup and search, a user interface IN both English and Swahili, 'smart search' for Swahili compounds, smart cross-reference display, and bilingual 'linked view'. Also allows you to quickly launch Web or Image searches for the currently selected word. Shows both American and British English spellings.