Tool Download


Search the meaning of a Name.

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 2015.12

Tool Type: Freeware

Tool Cost In: 0 US$

Tool Target Platform: Windows

Tool OS Support: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Windows 10,WinServer,WinOther,WinVista,WinVista x64


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Short Description:
A simple, yet efficient application that can help you search the meaning of a name, as well as randomly generate names in a simple manner

Long Description 1:
A simple, yet efficient application that can help you search the meaning of a name, as well as randomly generate names in a simple manner

Long Description 2:
Name Dictionary is a simple utility designed for fun purposes, being able to retrieve the meaning of various names. It also includes a name generator for both boys and girls. If you’ve ever wondered what your name means in different cultures, Name Dictionary can provide a set of answers in this respect. It is also fit for parents who haven’t decided on the name of their baby and are looking for an application that can do that for them. It’s intended for fun purposes and as such, it can’t be judged by the criteria that we normally apply to software. It makes for an entertaining way to pass the time. Wrapped inside a simple, yet user-friendly interface, the application allows you to find the meaning of a name using a dedicated field, which you must fill in and press the ‘Search’ button. Depending on the number of results you want to retrieve, you can set the search to be exact, related (which will fetch all of the items even remotely related to the specified text) and containing text (which displays a list of all the names that contain the characters in the specified string). In order to view the meaning of a name, simply click it; alternatively you can copy it to the clipboard for later use. The Name Generator comprises two sections; the first will generate names starting with the letter(s) that you specify, while the second one is able to randomly display names of actors and actresses, as well as famous football players. The downside is that it can only generate one name at a time. All in all, Name Dictionary is a simple and fun software that can tell you what your name means in various cultures at the cost of a few simple clicks, spearing you the effort that you’d put into researching this type of information online.