Short Description: eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi and C++Builder. eDocEngine can create documents in clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, TIFF, PNG, SVG, PEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF formats.
Long Description 1: eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi and C++Builder. eDocEngine can create documents in clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, TIFF, PNG, SVG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF formats. eDocEngine ships with ready-to-use Report-Export interfaces that tightly integrate with popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave, QuickReport, and Ace Reporter.
Long Description 2: eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi and C++Builder. eDocEngine can create documents in clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, Quattro Pro, LOTUS 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, TIFF, PNG, SVG (XML-based vector graphics), JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF formats. eDocEngine ships with ready-to-use Report-Export interfaces that tightly integrate with popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave, QuickReport, and Ace Reporter. Using eDocEngine Report-Export interfaces, you can directly export reports to PDF and other formats without having to write any code.