Short Description: CMATH for BC++ makes fast complex-number math functions (cartesian and polar) available in three precisions. This comprehensive library was written in machine code for superior speed and accuracy. All functions may be called from C or C++.
Long Description 1: CMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics, both in cartesian and polar format (single and double precision). The implementation in machine code ensures superior speed, accuracy, and safety, as compared to other available complex class libraries. All CMATH functions may be called from C or C++. For the Embarcadero / Borland C++ compiler series (RAD Studio, or BC++ Builder, BC++).
Long Description 2: CMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics.
The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for other available complex class libraries:
1. High-performance implementation in machine code leads to superior speed.
2. Accuracy and safety are greatly enhanced.
3. Each of the floating-point accuracies (complex(float), complex(double), and complex(extended)) is given its own, individually optimized treatment.
4. Polar coordinates (magnitude;angle) are supported in addition to the usual cartesian coordinates (real;imaginary).
5. Switching from your compiler's complex class library to CMATH is very simple: Just replace the include-file <complex.h> with <newcplx.h> - that's it!
This version is for the Embarcadero / Borland C/C++ compiler series (RAD Studio, C++ Builder, BC++).