Short Description: System Info ActiveX Control provides the following vital system information: ARP table, ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP protocols information and statistics and more.
Long Description 1: System Info ActiveX Control provides the following real-time vital system information:-Address translation (ARP) table.-ICMP protocol information and statistics: Networking interfaces table information and statistics, IP address table, IP protocol information and statistics, IP routing table, TCP connect table, TCP protocol information and statistics, UDP connect table, UDP protocol information and statistics.
Long Description 2: System Info ActiveX Control provides the following real-time vital system information:
-Address translation (ARP) table.
-ICMP protocol information and statistics.
-Networking interfaces table information and statistics.
-IP address table. -IP protocol information and statistics.
-IP routing table. -TCP connect table. -TCP protocol information and statistics.
-UDP connect table.
-UDP protocol information and statistics.
The control can be used from any Windows-based applications development environment, including Visual Studio. It comes with documentation, sample code, and working demo programs.
System Info ActiveX Control is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
System Info ActiveX Control requires Windows XP or higher.