Short Description: The ActiveX Element displays a form to get user input for all fields of a table to create a new database entry. The database is Microsoft Access 98. In connection with a Database object, a Data object and a MSFlexGrid DB Operations are eased.
Long Description 1: The ActiveX Element displays a form to get user input for all fields of a table to create a new database entry. The database is Microsoft Access 98. Further more in connection with a Database object, a Data object and a MSFlexGrid object the operations delete, sort, select and change are provided.
Long Description 2: The ActiveX Element displays a form to get user input for all fields of a table to create a new database entry. The database is Microsoft Access 98. Further more in connection with a Database object, a Data object and a MSFlexGrid object the operations delete, sort, select and change are provided. So you can easily address a Access database, the fill in form with respective fields comes by this ActiveX.