Tool Download


writes FileName on PDF, prints whole folder

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 2013-09-13

Tool Type: Adware

Tool Cost In: 0 US$

Tool Target Platform:

Tool OS Support: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8

Limitations: none

Tool Info URL: Click to view

Video 1: Link for download

Video 2: Link for download

Download 1: Click to download

Download 2: Click to download

Short Description:
For a physical collection of printed reserach papers in office folders, writes FileName on first page. prints all/selected pdfs of a folder, prints whole document or truncated scout view (4pp). Bulk operations on whole folders.

Long Description 1:
For a physical collection of printed reserach papers in office folders, writes FileName on first page. prints all/selected pdfs of a folder, prints whole document or truncated scout view (4pp if >12pp else max 12pp). Bulk operations on whole folders. Medicine: FileName should be PubMed PMID-identifier. Omits first page if filename is PMID,3,.pdf Of use to: physicians, scientists, librarians.

Long Description 2:
* Intended to support a traditional research document handling algorithm based on print-outs in physical folders, there is a need to write on a printed [[PDF]] where it is located on the own Computer file system, hence, to write on it fileName and filePath. * Especially for documents in Medicine and the Life Sciences, users should name their files with the [[PubMed]] [[PMID article identification number]] when first downloading them. Beyond assigning fileNames and a comment line, this Program * prints out all PDF documents of a given folder * prints out all PDF documents of a given folder at a maximum of 12pp each and only the first 4pp scout view if longer than 12pp. * prints out single PDF documents on demand as full or 'rest-of' views. This program does not print the first page, if the fileName ends with ,3,.pdf - so the more or less useful pages with metadata and advertisements, as often seen on highwire-hosted documents, can be omitted. The program is freeware with sourcecode on request. You need [[PDF-XChange Viewer]] installed at the default location on c:, because it does the real workload. Program has a print-directory function, too, which is lacking in [[Windows 7]].