Short Description: Docx2Rtf is a freeware file converter for MS Word 2007 (*.docx, *.dotx) and OpenOffice (*.sxw, *.odt) files. Does not require OpenOffice or Office 2007 to be installed. Docx2Rtf will also open, view and print: Html, PDF, Rtf, Pdb and Prc files.
Long Description 1: The NW Docx Converter - 'Docx2Rtf' is a freeware file converter for MS Word 2007 (*.docx, *.dotx) and OpenOffice (*.sxw, *.odt) files. Does not need OpenOffice or Office 2007 to be installed for the program to work. Word 2007 docx and OpenOffice files converted with partial formatting. Docx2Rtf will also open, view and print: Html, PDF, Rtf, Wps and documents stored in PalmOS Database (*.pdb) & Aportis (*.prc) formats. Supports 10 languages.
Long Description 2: The NW Docx Converter -' Docx2Rtf' is a freeware file converter for MS Word 2007 (*.docx, *.dotx) and OpenOffice (*.sxw, *.odt) files. You do not need OpenOffice or Office 2007 to be installed for the program to work. Word 2007 docx files and OpenOffice files will be converted with partial formatting. Docx2Rtf will also open, view and print: Html, PDF and Rtf files, MS Works (*.wps) and documents stored in PalmOS Database (*.pdb) and Aportis (*.prc) formats. The latest version of Docx2Rtf adds graphics to the list of files that can be viewed, including multi-page tiff files. Now has the ability to extract plain text from standard Word doc files.
Now supports 10 languages. Saves settings.
You can now use Docx2Rtf with a commandline interface. See readme.txt for usage.