Tool Download


Finally, one volume for everything!

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 1.1

Tool Type: Demo

Tool Cost In: 4.95 US$

Tool Target Platform:

Tool OS Support: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8

Limitations: 14 Day Trial

Tool Info URL: Click to view

Video 1: Link for download

Video 2: Link for download

Download 1: Click to download

Download 2: Click to download

Short Description:
SoundShielder is a Windows application designed to control the audio levels of any source by automatically adjusting the audio levels to your target.

Long Description 1:
SoundShielder is a Windows application designed to control the audio levels of any source by automatically adjusting the audio levels to your target. SoundShielder can remove the jumps in audio levels when switching from a news blurb on CNN, a movie on Netflix, or when streaming live television or music to your headphones. It even controls loud commercials in between YouTube videos.

Long Description 2:
SoundShielder is a Windows application designed to control the audio levels of any source by automatically adjusting the audio levels to your target. SoundShielder can remove the jumps in audio levels when switching from a news blurb on CNN, a movie on Netflix, or when streaming live television or music to your headphones. It even controls loud commercials in between YouTube videos. It's simple...if the audio level is too loud, SoundShielder will turn it down. If it's too low, SoundShielder will turn it up. You can set your perfect listening level and SoundShielder will do the rest. Finally, one volume for everything!