Short Description: This utility brings you one click away from the most used commands related to computer's power management and other usual commands. You can simply move your mouse to the left or right side of the computer display and the program's window will pop-up.
Long Description 1: This utility brings you one click away from the most used commands related to computer's power management and other usual commands. If you move your mouse to the left or right side of the computer display, the program's window will pop-up. You have several power commands, such as Stand By, Shut Down, Hibernate, Monitor Off, Mute/Unmute Speakers, along with other useful buttons as Screensaver, Log Off and Lock System, all being self explanatory.
Long Description 2: This utility brings you one click away from the most used commands related to computer's power management and other usual commands. If you move your mouse to the left or right side of the computer display, the program's window will pop-up. You have several power commands, such as Stand By, Shut Down, Hibernate, Monitor Off, Mute/Unmute Speakers, along with other useful buttons as Screensaver, Log Off and Lock System, all being self explanatory. The first settings page allows you to enable the 'forced' commands, meaning that Windows forces all programs that are running to quit if those power buttons are used, and to set the wake-up timers for Stand By and Hibernate states. You also can see the active power plan's parameters and select another one.