Short Description: Case Changer is a simple text case changer / converter that interacts with the clipboard. The program can automatically or on demand convert text to various formats.
Long Description 1: Case Changer is a simple text case changer / converter that interacts with the clipboard. The program can automatically or on demand convert text to Sentence case, lower case, UPPER CASE, Title Case, tOgGlE cAsE.
Long Description 2: Case Changer is a simple text case changer / converter that interacts with the clipboard. The program can automatically or on demand convert text to:
Sentence case - where only the first word is capitalised,
lower case - no capital/uppercase letter,
UPPER CASE - Capital letters only,
Title Case - all words are capitalised,
tOgGlE cAsE - capital/uppercase letters to lowercase and lowercase to capitals. Toggle Case can be useful for correcting text when you have been typing and not realised the Caps Lock is on.
Options include:-
AUTO MONITOR - If selected then any text placed (cut / copy) on the clipboard will be displayed with the selected conversion,
EXCLUDE - Opens an exclusion list (A list of words that are excluded from any conversion, exclusion words are stored in the CaseChanger.xml file which is created in the same directory as CaseChanger),
CLIPBOARD - Copies displayed text to the Clipboard. Auto Change option also available which if selected updates the clipboard whenever the displayed text is changed. Note if both Auto Monitor and Clipboard Auto Change options are chosen then effectively text can be copied/cut and pasted automatically with the selected conversion being automatically implemented with no other user input.