Short Description: WProxy is a free proxy server program running in windows systems. It supports various proxy services including http proxy, socks proxy, pop3 proxy and smtp proxy; user authentication and web cache are also supported.
Long Description 1: WProxy is a free proxy server program running in windows systems. It supports various proxy services including http proxy, socks proxy, pop3 proxy and smtp proxy; user authentication and web cache are also supported.
Long Description 2: WProxy is a free proxy server program designed for sharing internet access to network computers. WProxy is developed based on IMProxy, which is an embeded module in WFilter Enterprise for providing proxy deployment solutions.
Key Features:
1. Various proxy services: HTTP proxy, SOCKS, SMTP proxy, POP3 proxy.
2. Web cache: high performance web caching, supports up to 100GB cache storage.
3. User authentication: authenticate users with active directory or WFilter local users.
4. IP control: ip/network white and black list.
5. High performance: even faster than squid.