Short Description: Proxyhound is based on syn scan's proxy address acquisition tool, It can scan up to tens of thousands IP addresses per second.
Long Description 1: Proxyhound is based on syn scan's proxy address acquisition tool, It can scan up to tens of thousands IP addresses per second, providing rawsocket and winpcap scanning mode. Proxyhound is a collection from the proxy address, verification, publishing the whole process of unattended's green software.
Long Description 2: Proxyhound is based on syn scan's proxy address acquisition tool, It can scan up to tens of thousands IP addresses per second, providing rawsocket and winpcap scanning mode, scan results can be directly http, https, socks4, socks5 proxy validated, can export variety formats or use the builtin http server, socket server, remoting server for external publishing. Proxyhound is a collection from the proxy address, verification, publishing the whole process of unattended's green software.