Short Description: Free wifi hospot for windows 10, share internet, connect android/iphone, wireless datacable.
Long Description 1: Free wifi hospot for windows 10, share internet, connect android/iphone, wireless datacable. Free wifi hospot for windows 10 laptops and desktops with wifi dongle/ wifi usb adapter. features/usages: 1.Share pc internet connection with all your wifi enabelled devices. 2.connect to andriod phones and iphones over wifi without datacable. 3. copy photos and music to from phone over wifi up to 30mbps without using data pack. 4. user software data cab
Long Description 2: Free wifi hospot for windows 10 laptops and desktops with wifi dongle/ wifi usb adapter. features/usages: 1.Share pc internet connection with all your wifi enabelled devices. 2.connect to andriod phones and iphones over wifi without datacable. 3. copy photos and music to from phone over wifi up to 30mbps without using data pack. 4. user software data cable and ip- web camers applications. 5 create local gaming lan