Short Description: Search and download images trough the net, acording to any keyword or search phrase you want to. Downloads all full images to your hard disk, and lets you save and browse trough search lists later.
Long Description 1: Search and download images trough the net, acording to any keyword or search phrase you want to. Downloads all full images to your hard disk, and lets you save and browse trough search lists later.
Long Description 2: Search and download image files troughout the net and search engines, according to any keyword or search phrase you want to. Searches, downloads all full images to your hard disk, gets a list of links of each image's site URL for later browsing and lets you save everything to disk and browse trough your own search lists later. As the search algorithms change once in a while, this software might stop working when this happens - not depending on me, of course - but it has always been updated as soon as I know :)