Short Description: Bookmark manager to help you manage all your Internet Explorer favorites. Check all 'favorites' automatically - or one at a time, marks not existing links as such. Renames 'favorites', change all properties. Lauches links to explorer directly.
Long Description 1: Bookmark manager to help you manage all your Internet Explorer favorites. Check all 'favorites' automatically - or one at a time - for existence, and marks not existing links as such. Renames 'favorite' (link) name, change URL link, change all properties. Lauches links to browser directly, if you want.
Long Description 2: Bookmark manager to help you manage all your Internet Explorer favorites and links. Checks all 'favorites' automatically - or one at a time - for existence and changes, and marks links that are no more as such for later checking or deletion at will. You can rename the 'favorite' (link) name, change URL link, change all properties. Lauches links to your browser directly and assists in organizing 'favorites' and hiperlinks easily, if you want. Very small utility. Saves all links to disk for later browsing too, fast and trouble free.