Short Description: 1+2 is the most accurate numerology software to understand your personality. It is very complete and displays the informations in 4 tabs: core numbers, details, cycles, and compatibility with a mate.
Long Description 1: 1+2 is the most accurate numerology software to understand your personality. It is very complete and displays the informations in 4 tabs: core numbers, details, cycles, and compatibility with a mate. It explores the following fields: It reveals some aspects of your karma that influence your current life. It gives a great number of indications about your character, your aspirations and your aptitudes. It makes it possible to check your compatibili
Long Description 2: 1+2 is the most accurate numerology software to understand your personality. It is very complete and displays the informations in 4 tabs: core numbers, details, cycles, and compatibility with a mate. It explores the following fields: It reveals some aspects of your karma that influence your current life. It gives a great number of indications about your character, your aspirations and your aptitudes. It makes it possible to check your compatibility with a mate.