Short Description: Plot, design, write and visualise 'Choose your own Adventure' stories, interactive novels and gamebooks. Export your book to rtf, html and txt formats. Export your graph to bmp, png and jpg.
Long Description 1: Easily create your own choose your own adventures stories and gamebooks. An authoring tool to keep track of sections in your book with branching paths. Plot, design, write and visualise 'Choose your own Adventure' stories, interactive novels and gamebooks. Export your book to rtf, html and txt formats. Export your graph to png, bmp and jpg.
Long Description 2: An authoring tool to keep track of sections in your book with branching paths. Plot, design, write and visualise 'Choose your own Adventure' stories, interactive novels and gamebooks.
See the full graph of your book grow as you write. Select any section to add more choices or rework the text.
Shuffle these sections automatically.
Write the paragraphs and the choices between them.
See a graph of your book and visualise each branch and choice.
Colour each section to indicate events, combat, dice rolls or anything you like
Export your book to rich text format(rtf), html and raw text (txt).
Export your graph to png, bmp and jpg.