Tool Download


Adjust EXIF date/time of your digital images

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 3.3

Tool Type: Shareware

Tool Cost In: 24.95 US$

Tool Target Platform:

Tool OS Support: Win98,WinOther,WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,Win2000,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64

Limitations: Standard version (FREE) limited to jpg images only for batch processing. Pro allows batch processing of many raw formats and gives you extra options, ability to filter images by date take, camera type etc.

Tool Info URL: Click to view

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Video 2: Link for download

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Short Description:
EXIF Date Changer modifies the date and time attributes of the EXIF data in your digital photos. This allows you to compensate for different time zones within seconds. Also works as a batch renamer to convert your files to a specific format

Long Description 1:
EXIF date information can be really useful when it comes to sorting/viewing your digital iamges, providing you keep the date and time settings of your camera correct. While travelling this rarely happens, making the date/time values useless. EXIF Date Changer modifies the date and time attributes of the EXIF data in your digital photos. This allows you to compensate for different time zones within seconds.

Long Description 2:
Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) data is stored within JPEG images. Almost all digital cameras record and store the cameras settings, scene information, date/time the photo was taken etc within this EXIF data. This information can be really useful when it comes to sorting and viewing your digital photos, providing you keep the date and time settings of your camera up to date. While traveling this rarely happens, making the date/time values useless. EXIF Date Changer modifies the date and time attributes of the EXIF data in your digital photos. This allows you to compensate for incorrect camera settings, or different time zones within seconds. As an added bonus you are also able to rename all photos to include the time taken in the filename, making it even easier to sort and view your photos.