Short Description: AutoBatch It is a native Command Line Batch Image Processor which can extend your workflow to include image resizing, renaming, manipulation and conversion between image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF (Single Page) and BMP.
Long Description 1: AutoBatch It is a native Command Line Batch Image Processor which can extend your workflow to include image resizing, renaming, manipulation and conversion between image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF (Single Page) and BMP. You can run it as a standalone application, evoked through a web server, Windows Scheduler or another application. Comes in native 32 and 64 bit modules.
Long Description 2: AutoBatch It is a specialized native command line module which is created to harness the speed and flexibility of the command line. The application can be operated manually or be evoked through another process such as the Windows Scheduler or be executed from another application thus extending the batch image processing capability to your website, in-house server, process or application.
The application comes in two module, the Command Line module and the Configuration Template Editor which lets you set up the template profile to be used by the command line module.
AutoBatch It can be used to :-
->Resize images by pixels (downsize or upsize), by percentage or preset multipliers such as 1/2x, 1/3x, 1/4x, 2x and 4x. The Resizing by Pixels lets you downsize large images and upsize smaller images than the preset width and height settings. There is a switch which can be used to have it respect the dimension aspect ratio.
->Create Thumbnail Images of the original images.
->Supports Resample Methods option None, Lanczos3, Bell, Triangle, Hermite and Bspline which can enhance the quality of the resized images.
->Adjust Brightness and Contrast settings of the images.
->Create Negative or Grayscale Images.
->Import JPEG, TIFF (Single Page), PNG and BMP
->Export JPEG, TIFF (Single Page), PNG and BMP
->For JPEG images, you can adjust the Quality, Smoothing and turn on the Progressive load features
->The supported TIFF Compression includes LZW, CCITT G3, CCITT G4, Huffman, Packbit, ZIP, Deflate, Uncompressed and JPEG.
->Supports the Dots Per Inch option
->Add Prefix and Suffix to the saved filename
AutoBatch It comes in both native 32 bit and 64 bit variants.