Short Description: Keep the ball in the air for as long as possible!
Long Description 1: Demonstrate your exquisite control of the balls and impress the crowd! In this game, your goal is to keep the given ball in the air, including tennis, table tennis and golf from level 1 to 3. When the game starts, you will be given a tennis ball and a racket. Move your mouse around to control the racket and keep the ball in the air. Note that if the ball bounces away from the center of the racket, it will drop easily. 200 points will be given for
Long Description 2: Demonstrate your exquisite control of the balls and impress the crowd! In this game, your goal is to keep the given ball in the air, including tennis, table tennis and golf from level 1 to 3. When the game starts, you will be given a tennis ball and a racket. Move your mouse around to control the racket and keep the ball in the air. Note that if the ball bounces away from the center of the racket, it will drop easily. 200 points will be given for each time of bounce, but when the ball bounces out of the edge of the racket, the game ends. Sustain your targets and earn as many points as you can!