Short Description: Receive the blessing from the god of fortune!
Long Description 1: The god of fortune is blessing the world in Lunar New Year. And his gift is of course, fortune! As he will be flying around and dropping money, you need to grab as many golds and bank notes as possible. Use your mouse to control the man so that he can catch the descending objects. The amount of money received will be counted at the top left corner of the screen. Beware of the jealous ghosts of poverty, as they will float around and disturb you. I
Long Description 2: The god of fortune is blessing the world in Lunar New Year. And his gift is of course, fortune! As he will be flying around and dropping money, you need to grab as many golds and bank notes as possible. Use your mouse to control the man so that he can catch the descending objects. The amount of money received will be counted at the top left corner of the screen. Beware of the jealous ghosts of poverty, as they will float around and disturb you. If you crash into them, you will lose money. The remaining time will be displayed by the timer at the top of the screen. Embrace your fortune and avoid the enemies!