Short Description: Visual Mathematics, is a Math Visualizer (containing -at least- 77 modules) to learn more and better in less time. Enjoy learning!!! . Get to really Understand what you Study !!! Visual Mathematics is great help for the math teacher.
Long Description 1: Visual Mathematics is a highly interactive visualization software (containing 77+ modules) addressed to High school, College and University students. This is a very powerful tool that helps to learn and solve problems by the hundreds in a very short time. Visual Math is great help to the Math teacher. Visual Math, a member of the VirtualDynamics Math Virtual Lab, is an Intuitively-Easy-To-Use Math visualization software.
Long Description 2: Visual Mathematics is a highly interactive visualization software (containing -at least- 77 modules) addressed to High school, College and University students. This is a very powerful tool that helps to learn and solve problems by the hundreds in a very short time. Included areas: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry and miscellaneous.Visual Mathematics, a member of the VirtualDynamics Math Virtual Lab, is an Intuitively-Easy-To-Use software.Visual Mathematics modules include the theory necessary to understand every theme, they include very many solved examples. Every student should have this powerful tool at home.Teachers use Visual Mathematics to prepare homeworks and tests in a short time. Visual Mathematics is great help for the math teacher.With Visual Mathematics the student solves homework problems while he/she really learns and enjoys mathematics.Visual Mathematics may be used (1) in the classroom, to very easily make clear the topics the teacher covers, (2) in the school library, as reference to review themes covered in classes (3) at home, for the student to study at his own pace and understand while solving and visualizing hundreds of problems. Teachers may use Visual Mathematics to prepare classes. xyz