Tool Download


Bingo, unlimited cards, multimedia delivery.

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 1.0.8

Tool Type: Freeware

Tool Cost In: 0 US$

Tool Target Platform:

Tool OS Support: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinVista

Limitations: No limitations

Tool Info URL: Click to view

Video 1: Link for download

Video 2: Link for download

Download 1: Click to download

Download 2: Click to download

Short Description:
Classroom Bingo fully automates the delivery of traditional bingo to the classroom. It generates and prints unlimited random bingo cards, and it provides automatic multimedia delivery as a bingo caller. Large projected text. Real spoken speech.

Long Description 1:
Classroom Bingo fully automates the delivery of traditional bingo to the classroom. Some key features of this complete bingo solution include ... 1) Create and print unlimited random bingo cards. 2) Customize delivery with 'repeated speech'. 3) Customize the pace of delivery with a selectable 'time delay'. 4) Pause delivery to display delivered 'answers', and confirm winners.

Long Description 2:
Classroom Bingo fully automates the delivery of traditional bingo to the classroom. It generates and prints unlimited random bingo cards, and it provides automatic multimedia delivery as a bingo caller. A projected computer screen and/or speakers are all you need for AUTOMATIC multimedia delivery of bingo to your classroom. Large projected text, real spoken speech, and a customized pace of delivery frees the teacher to roam the classroom and provide differentiated instruction to students, a key ingredient to common core standards. Some key features of this complete bingo solution: 1. Create and print unlimited random bingo cards. 2. Customize delivery with 'repeated speech'. 3. Customize the pace of delivery with a selectable 'time delay'. 4. Pause delivery to display delivered 'answers', and confirm winners. 5. Be sure to read the user's guide to uncover a CONTROVERSIAL, but fully optional, SECRET HIDDEN FEATURE. (Hint: Have you ever wished you could 'hand pick' a winner for that certain kid who could really benefit from feeling a little special today?)