Tool Download


A powerful text and source code editor

Tool Name:


Tool Version: 4.5.1

Tool Type: Shareware

Tool Cost In: 49.95 US$

Tool Target Platform: OS X

Tool OS Support: Mac OS X

Limitations: 30 day trial

Tool Info URL: Click to view

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Video 2: Link for download

Download 1: Click to download

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Short Description:
A powerful text and source code editor with support for over 20 languages including HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, XML, C, C++, Shell Script, and many more. Includes many tools to help users write code quickly and easily

Long Description 1:
A powerful text and source code editor with support for over 20 languages including HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, XML, C, C++, Shell Script, and many more. Includes many tools to help users write code quickly and easily such as syntax highlighting, code builders and sidekicks, function lookup, code and tag completion, regular expression search and replace, bracket and tag matching, validators, file compare, and more

Long Description 2:
A powerful programming text editor and source code editor with support for over 20 languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Java, Python, Perl, XML, C, Shell Script, Ruby, Batch, C++, C#, COBOL, JSP, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL PL, and Transact-SQL. Includes syntax highlighting, code builders and sidekicks, clickable method and function navigators, code completion, tag completion, function lookup, powerful regular expression enabled search tools, bracket and tag matching, CSS, XML, and HTML validators, a CSS style builder, an HTML tag builder, HTML Tidy, a powerful file system browser, bookmarks, file compare, key ahead, color chooser, and much more.