Short Description: zebNet Checksum Calculator is a small tool that allows you to generate hashes/checksums of a file.
Long Description 1: zebNet Checksum Calculator is a small tool that allows you to generate MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 hashes/checksums of a file.
Long Description 2: zebNet Checksum Calculator is a small tool that allows you to generate MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 hashes/checksums of a file.
In addition, it also allows you to verify the integrity of a file by entering the hash/checksum or by selecting a file.
zebNet Checksum Calculator also has some nice features inside such as Drag & Drop support, Copy & Paste from/to Clipboard and a Google it button that allows you to instantly search Google for the selected hash/checksum.
zebNet Checksum Calculator is freeware and can freely be used.