Short Description: Small tool for Delphi and Pascal programmers. By a several clicks you get a large amount of code in the Pascal programming language. Keyboard is needed for typing names only.
Long Description 1: Small tool for Delphi and Pascal programmers. By a several clicks you get a large amount of code in the Pascal programming language. Keyboard is needed for typing names only. The program window is separated into two parts. On the left you insert program constructions - on the right you get a ready to use code.
Long Description 2: Small tool for Delphi and Pascal programmers. By a several clicks you get a large amount of code in the Pascal programming language. Keyboard is needed for typing names only. The program window is separated into two parts. On the left you insert program constructions - on the right you get a ready to use code.
Visual Pascal offers you advanced workspace customization possibilities and immediate error detection, proving to be a useful tool for those who are working with Delphi and Pascal. Its approach allows you to focus on the algorithm, rather than keeping the syntax error-free.