Short Description: Collaborate on helpdesk tickets in Outlook. Create tickets from email or web form, manually or automatically. Attached files and rich text. Sort tickets. Iinformation from Contacts or GAL. For public folder or shared mailbox. E-mail history, FAQ.
Long Description 1: Collaborate on helpdesk tickets in Outlook. Create tickets from email or web, manually or automatically. Describe problems using attached files and rich text. Sort tickets. Get information from the Outlook contacts or the GAL. Access or SQL Server database. Closed tickets can be searched and re-created in Outlook if needed. E-mail history. FAQ answers. Excel reports, knowledge base. Subscription $180/month for all products.
Long Description 2: Collaborate on helpdesk tickets inside Microsoft Outlook. Create tickets from e-mail or webform, manually or automatically, with attached files and rich text. For new tickets, get information from the Outlook contacts or the GAL. Open tickets are stored in Outlook and in a database - Access or SQL Server database. Closed tickets are retained only in the database but can be searched and reopened in Outlook if needed. Mail conversations can be tracked.
Excel reports facilitates business intelligence. Report generator based on MS Excel allows you to build and share custom reports with co-workerKnowledge base. Databases are open to allow building any kind of custom reports or additions to the tables. Open webform for receiving support questions online. The ticket form is in HTML and also easy to customize.
Suitable both for in-house and outsourced helpdesks. Can also be used for other types of issue-tracking and incident management. Free 30 day trial. Extensive documentation: video demonstrations and downloadable manual and slideshow online. Subscription $180/month for all products, unlimited number of users. Outlook 2007-2013, also Office 365.