Short Description: Convert MP4 to commonly used video formats.
Long Description 1: MP4 files are usually used very widely, be it in mobiles and other portable devices or in video streaming. But many a time there is a need to convert MP4 files to other formats, especially when there is a compatibility issue or better compatibility with other formats. Thus, to convert MP4 files to FLAC, AIFF, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG OR AMR, the Free MP4 Converter is a great tool.
Long Description 2: MP4 files are usually used very widely, be it in mobiles and other portable devices or in video streaming. But many a time there is a need to convert MP4 files to other formats, especially when there is a compatibility issue or better compatibility with other formats. Thus, to convert MP4 files to FLAC, AIFF, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG OR AMR, the Free MP4 Converter is a great tool. One great advantage of the Free MP4 Converter is that it is one single tool to convert to many formats like FLAC, AIFF, AAC, OGG, AMR, etc. As such, there is no need for users to have different software application for MP4 to AIFF, MP4 to WAV, and MP4 to WMA, MP4 to FLV or others. It is very convenient for users, as they need not have different conversion tool, the Free MP4 Converter acts as al all in one. The disk space that it occupies is also less, but the functionality factor is very high. If the user wants to convert files to a format that is better suited for video streaming, then MP4 files can be converted to FLV. If there is a need for a particular file to be played solely on an Apple device, users can convert the WAV file to AAC. Therefore, the Free MP4 Converter is a one stop solution for conversion needs. In spite of having so many options, the user interface is not at all confusing. Users can select the files that they want to convert and feed them into the MP4 Converter. Once this is done, users can select the order of conversion as per their need. They can add all the files at once, instead of adding one file after another. All these features make the Free MP4 Converter a great tool.